Mar 5, 2023Liked by Nessa Chileshe

Thanks for writing Nessa, it's so important to talk about the tough/messy/doubting times. The best piece of advice that someone ever gave me was that God wants communication with us - even when it's just: 'What the heck? Everything sucks' (or something more poetic). This post gave me a really needed moment to reflect on my position right now. I've been outside of a church for probably half a year as we prepared to move, it all fell through, and we found somewhere new to live and I feel so disconnected. I don't even know which box my Bible is packed in, let alone when I last opened it... But I'm holding on that my faith is still there even when everything else is stripped back, some way some how. Sending love

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Kay, thank you so much for taking the time to read and for sharing part of your story too, it sounds like it's been tough for you in this last little bit, sending you a huge hug! I can relate to so much of what you said. Be encouraged that you are not alone! Sending you all the love right back! xo

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Mar 5, 2023Liked by Nessa Chileshe

Thank you for writing all this, as usual your honesty is really refreshing and helpful ❤️

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Really glad it was helpful in some way. Thank you for always appreciating my soapbox vents haha! <3 xo

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LOVED this Nessa! There were some brilliant one liners in this, and I just adored the entire sentiment! Great work!

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A lovely walk through the adaptogen of fall. Thank you

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